Emily: Hello?
Carolina: Hi, Emily. __________________________234Emily: Yeah, come in, it's open.
Carolina: Hi. _____________________________________
Emily: Of course you can. What's up?124Carolina: It's this. You know that essay I did? The environment and land resources one? I just got it back.
Emily: OK
Carolina: Oh Emily. Fifty five percent. _________________________________ I don't know what I should do.124Emily: Yeah, that can be scary, can't it? You think all the others are geniuses, and you're the worst in the group!
Carolina: So you feel stupid too? _______________________________________
Emily: Well, thanks!123Helen Stafford: Come in. Ah, Carolina. How are you?
Carolina: Fine, thanks. ________________________________
Helen Stafford: Yes, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you?12Helen Stafford: Yes, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you?
Carolina: _______________________________________
Helen Stafford: Ah, OK. You got it? Good. Yes, have you got it there?124Helen Stafford: But as it is, it's a good start. You need to think about the other things as well – the bibliography mainly – but I think you’re on the right lines with this.
Carolina: OK. __________________________________134Helen Stafford: That's alright. I hope you feel a bit better about it now.
Carolina: I do, thank you. ____________________________234Helen Stafford: And how are things in general? Are you settling in okay?
Carolina: Well, I was a bit upset this week – about the essay and everything, but I have settled in all right. I've made friends. ______________________________123Helen Stafford: Just check on the site to see when I'm here if you need to come and have a chat again.
Carolina: ________________. Thank you.34https://339efcb25eb75e967b0d-ff8eeadd950d51fd1fc939dca75b3973.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/assets_green.swf