Section 1 Listen to Tess and Ravi. Tick all the phrases you think are true. There may be more than one right answer. 3 4 Section 2 Listen to Tim talking about fell running. Tick all the phrases you think are true. 2 3 Section 3 Listen to the quiz. Which of these holiday words does Lydia mention? Tick all the answers she mentions. 1 3 Section 4 Listen to Your Turn. Which of these talents do people mention? Tick all the talents that are mentioned. 1 2 4 Section 5 - Question 1 Listen to Carolina and her friends on their trip. Why do they call the police? 2 4 Section 5 - Question 2 What number do they use to call the police in Newcastle? 3 Section 6 Listen to the joke. Tick all the phrases you think are true. 1 2 4