Doug: Now what are the plans for this morning?
Carolina: Um, .................... . I dont think we have any.123Jamie: So ....................
Doug: Well, Well, your mother's cooking the roast dinner and I'm taking Ernie for a long walk along the river. You two can join me if you like.134Jamie: Carolina? It's a pretty walk along the river.
Carolina: Well perhaps .................... .14Mary: Don't be silly. You go out and enjoy yourself.
Carolina: Well yes, OK then. .................... . I'd like a walk.134Carolina: ....................
Mary: No, I don't think so ... er ... you can lay the table if you like.124Doug: So what do you think of the lamb?
Carolina: .................... .234Doug: Try a bit of mint sauce with it. You can't have roast lamb without mint sauce.
Carolina: OK, .................... .13Doug: Go on, have another potato, and a bit more lamb.
Carolina: No, no, no. No thank you. It's all delicious but .................... .124Doug: Well that was delicious Mary.
Carolina: Yes, .................... .123Carolina: ....................
Mary: Certainly not. You're a guest. You stay there.14