bold refer to.]]> One Question Per Page false false 'Archaeology, like many academic words, comes from Greek and means, more or less, 'the study of old things'. So, <b>it</b> is really a part of the study of history.' What does <b>it</b> refer to? 2 '... but archaeologists learn from the objects left behind by the humans of long ago. Normally, <b>these</b> are the hard materials that don't decompose or disappear very quickly ...' What does <b>these</b> refer to? 3 'Take, for example, the study of the Romans, who dominated the Mediterranean area and much of Europe two thousand years ago. We know a lot about <b>them</b> from their writing ...' What does <b>them</b> refer to? 1 'This is a job for the archaeologists, who have found and dated the bones and objects left behind. From <b>this evidence</b> ...' What does <b>this evidence</b> refer to? 3 '... one of them saw something sticking out – a human foot! Naturally, the men called the police, <b>who</b> then found the rest of the body.' What does <b>who</b> refer to? 3 'Despite being so old, this body had skin, muscles, hair and internal organs – the scientists who examined <b>him</b> were able to look inside'. What does <b>him</b> refer to? 2 'So, Lindow Man was killed using three different methods, when just <b>one</b> would have been sufficient.' What does <b>one</b> refer to? 1 'He might have been killed to gain the help of the gods against the Romans. <b>It</b> didn't work'. What does <b>It</b> refer to? 3 'Lindow Man is with us by accident. Whatever his origins, it is a fascinating experience to see him face to face. I recommend <b>it</b>.' What does <b>it</b> refer to? 1