argued that It might also be __________ she had a legitimate expectation based on assurance given to her by the school that her case would be heard by three teachers. It could be __________, with this knowledge, Amy's omission is one where she had the power to act and could thus satisfy the requisite mens rea. It may be __________ the regulations were necessary in the prevention of crime and disorder or the protection of public safety in a democratic society. The phones were also taken without the consent of those who owned them and it cannot be __________ any of the stipulations contained in s. 2, where appropriation would not be considered dishonest, could apply. held that In Dawson, it was __________ an unlawful act would be regarded as 'dangerous' if it was 'likely to cause physical harm'. On the other hand, in Thornton, it was __________ the words on a ticket issued at the gate of a car park could not alter the contract, which had been made seconds before. From this case it was __________ in order for the claimant to satisfy the test of reasonable foreseeability they need to be sufficiently close in time and space to the accident.